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The Lok Sabha Elections of 2019 - An Evaluation

Narendra Modi, The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi - the right-wing charismatic leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party created history when he became the first non-Congress Prime Minister to form government for a consecutive term with a majority, third only to the legendary father and daughter duo of the Congress dynasty. This election has certainly brought very disturbing facts to the light about the ‘largest democracy’ of the world. Not very dissimilar to the way a certain German supremo was re-elected Chancellor, Narendra Modi’s re-election repeats history as a farce. The tragedy was the Holocaust. Within days of the election and even before the formation of the government, the attack against minorities have been raised up a few notches. Muslims, Dalits, adivasis and other marginalised minority groups understand that their social freedom has already been limited than before. With Dalit professors being arrested for posting articles on the right to eat beef

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